Yes, it’s sometimes interesting to see what new,(or re-hashed), arguments people are tossing around about the “transgender phenomenon”.
I only know, for sure, my story.
Born in 1958, the Patriarchal Dominance Hierarchy’s Gender Binary was the only thing available. There were no options.
I knew, starting when I was but a toddler, that I was not a boy. There were no questions about it in my mind. My only question was, “How do I survive in this world where I must be something that I know that I am not?”
It wasn’t so bad, until I reached puberty and began going to a public Junior high school.
The fear and self-hatred drove me to the false comfort of alcohol and drugs.
Finally, at the age of 34, out of the USNavy, and in San Diego, I gathered my courage and began my transition. That was 1993.
I’ve never had any doubt about who I am or what I needed to do.
Due, I suppose, to societal expectations, I became sexually involved with only men, for decades.
Lately, I’ve come to realize that I was being true when I was with women, including a wife of ten years.
Regardless of what people opine, the surety of their convictions, I am a transgender woman who is a lesbian.
I’m not confused. It’s a solid fact.
When it comes to others, particularly young people, I have no sure answers. I can only say, to parents, to adults “questioning” their gender or sexual orientation… “Find a liscensed board-certified clinical psychologist and take as much time as you need to explore, to know”.
Be aware, however, that life is a journey, and certainty is often not easy to find. Your journey will take as long as it takes.
The best advice I can give is to not stress too much over the mis-steps. Remember, it’s a journey. Journeys have many hills and valleys. Often the road ahead is not visible. Don’t be afraid to ask for, and accept, help.
Above all, remember; Peace Love Kindness Respect the more you give the more you get 😍 start with yourself 😉 because you deserve it ❤️🙏🏼 (you really do. I promise)