Yes. It’s pretty obvious. Insecure men are using a grade school response, "You’re another one! You do it too!"
But we don’t...we just smile and nod, and let them talk on and on and on, until we can’t take it anymore and make an excuse to escape…
It’s a matter of perspective. They can’t see it because they are in it. They are it.
Their self-esteem, their confidence in their own masculinity demands that they treat us like ignorant children.
For many generations most women played the role we were plainly given, just to keep the peace.
We have been enabling men’s fantasies of how superior and commanding they are for untold generations. We have all known, all along, that it was just a house of cards. We’ve kept their fragile sense of self-esteem and traditional masculinity propped up, continuously, for thousands of years.
We’ve done it because so many of them can become violent when their overblown egos are popped like a balloon. We are used to being careful to support their delusions of superiority, just to avoid a dangerous temper tantrum, exactly as we would any other angry, insecure child.
The pushback in these responses is just that, a childish temper tantrum.
If these male respondents were truly secure in their superiority they would have no need to respond.
Their pouty responses prove my point.
With the advent of #metoo, we’ve decided that we’re just not going to take it anymore.
Thank you Lilith…