Yes indeed 😊. The only time I wear a bra is when I feel that others will be uncomfortable. I want to “blend in”, “not make waves”, or be regarded as a “loose woman”.
But I like to wear thin, comfortable tops, so that if I’m warm, I can take off a layer or two.
Why should I sit in a meeting, sweating?
I too, am a B cup, but having been back on hrt for a couple of years, they are quite high, round and perky. Are the other women my age jealous? Sometimes the only person staring is one of those old biddies…
When wearing a bra, I have a sneaking feeling that a farmer is going to come up behind me and hitch me up to a plow!
Can you tell that I’m very conflicted about it?
I’ve tried to say,”joke em if they can’t take a fu**!”, but I end up bowing to convention…
So…actually throwing them out with the garbage? I don’t know if I can, but I’m proud of you!