When I first started, I decided that, though I wouldn’t mention it, I would just assume that everyone, on their first sight of me, immediately knew that I was trans.
I felt very free, much more relaxed, and eventually, when talking with a new friend, when I happened to mention, in passing, that I’m trans, or say something about, “when I was a little boy”, or being deployed on the USS Ranger, they would react with shock. Because of my assumption, I was surprised that they were shocked!
Eventually, I just stopped making any references that would “out” me, particularly when one of my best friends,(a cis-woman), suggested that I “not share about” my “past”.
I decided that I had to live in the world, as it is. Though it would be nice, I don’t expect society, at large, will be accepting of transwomen-baritones, any time soon.
If one is willing to put in the time, the daily effort, one can aquire a “flawless” female voice in a few months.
The bonus? After a longer period of time your Adam’s Apple will shrink, recede, until it’s just gone, as long as you are using your new voice, day in and day out.
Go to my profile page and scroll down until you find my essay, “Male to Female Voice Change”.
It’s really simple, and free. You just have to want it enough to work for it.
Peace Love Kindness Respect the more you give the more you get 😍
PS: After years of speaking in a, I guess, contralto, but I can go up to soprano, this is my natural voice. I think that I can go back to the baritone, with a little time to get the hang of it, but why? 🙄🤣