What you said…!
My mother thought that, if she couched it in loving terms, a sad “gentleness”, that it wasn’t really 'criticism’.🙄
It was a welcome, comforting, place compared to my insane older sister’s constant harangue…
I was, on the one hand, told that I was a “boy”, “act like a man!”😡
And, on the other hand, told to respect other’s feelings, “If you don’t have anything nice to say, say nothing at all!”
On the third hand, by the insane sister, “You are worthless. You can’t do anything right. You are stupid, hopeless, a waste of food and air!”
How to “be” “masculine”, was…. mansplained to me.🤔😪
I was so incredibly sorry. Always sorry. Sorry for even existing.😥
I may be working the rest of my life to stop saying, “sorry 😪”, as my knee-jerk reaction to absolutely everyone.
At least we are aware of it and consciously working to get better.
From everything that I have read, by you, I must say that I think that you are eminently worthy, in every way possible. I always look forward to seeing what you write next, because I know that it will be well worth the effort.
Thank you Shannon, for being you! You have become a necessary, and delightful part of my day.