Well, thank you Josh.
I don’t know how or why, but I don’t get any right-wing crap, though there is the very occasional troll in responses. Perhaps you are limiting the range of your interest too much? Just a wild guess. You might want to try reading stuff that doesn’t appeal to you at first glance…(?) Did it ever occur to you that, maybe, the tone of some of your responses might draw some negative interest? You don’t engage in arguments with the aforementioned “right-wingers”, do you? Trolls only exist for childish argument. Just ignore and report, then move on…”it’s a way of life”(in Cy-Borg’s voice, u no, from Joe’s Garage?) Maybe the Central Scrutinizer is having a bit of fun?
Peace Love Kindness Respect the more you give the more you get 😍 (start with yourself 😉) it’s really quite a simple little dance step, ignore-report-move on😉