Transphobes are sad people, fueled by fear and self-loathing. The fears are unsupported by actual, empirical data. They trade grossly exaggerated or ,most often, made up of 'whole cloth’, fictional stories about monsterous “predatory men, claiming to be women”. They point out the very few,(only one, that I’m aware of), actual cases of child abuse by men claiming to be trans, and use it as “proof” that all of their fabrications are true.
These women exhibit a profound and often hysterical fear of men, in general, probably due to the pervasive rape-culture that we suffer through, daily.
My message to GCFs; kindly direct your outrage to the cis-hetero-males that are actually commiting these heinous acts. There are even more cis-females that commit child-molestation than the one, single, case that is an actual fact, of an avowed trans-woman who committed that evil.
Personally, I think that all proven child-molesters should be locked away for for life, with no possibility of parole.☹️