Member-only story
Transgender Theory
I see a lot of trans-people reacting defensively to the transphobia they encounter. Rather than reading all of their essays and responding to each, I thought I’d just tackle the subject in one swell foop;)
The way that I see it is from a perspective of more than six decades of life and twenty eight years as a transgender woman.
Everyone in human society has been subject to the Patriarchal Dominance Hierarchy and it’s attendant rape-culture and gender binary, for about ten to twelve thousand years.
We were bombarded with expectations of gender specific behaviour since very shortly after our birth. Absolutely everything was gender specific. The opinions of other people were what not only “guided” us, but routinely forced us to adhere to the gendered behaviour that the adults around us expected, often demanded.
Please allow me to give the best explanation I’ve been able to come up with in all these years.
When a child is born the brain has a tremendous amount of growth to achieve. The infant and toddler brain is growing unbelievably rapidly and forging connections that will remain with us for the rest of our lives. Those “circuits” are indelible and make up the bulk, the “hardware” of our subconscious mind.
Later in life one may very well find a way around them, a “detour”, if you will, but they…