Too true. My ex wife didn’t want to ever talk about feelings, except when she was angry. Then there was no talk, she would attack me physically.
That’s not as bad as it sounds. She’s 4’10"and 95 lbs. I’m 5’11" and 165 lbs. I never hurt her little ass, just pushed her back to a sofa or chair or whatever was handy, and ran! 🙄😂.
Once, I was just pushing her away as she was trying to attack me. She fell on a balsa-wood end-table and it broke. She picked up a leg and swung it at me. The exposed screw at the end of the leg scratched my nose. Her jaw fell as her eyebrows rose, mouth in a big O. She rushed to me, crying and laughing at the same time. She went and got ointment and a bandage. We had a good laugh about it…and probably one of the best nights of sex ever.(had to change the sheets 😉💜🙏).
She had been horribly abused in her childhood and sometimes needed to act out her frustrations. She never wanted to really hurt me. She just needed to hit some-body. I was big enough to take it, and I loved her and would never hit her back. We both understood that. All of it, from experience.
I can’t imagine that happening in quite the same way in a cis-het marriage. Maybe it does… I’ll never know.
Good essay Sarah. Thank you 💖🙏🏼
After ten years or so, she 'got religion’🙄. The Jehovah’s Witlesses were talking to her every day, while I was at work. There was no talking her out of it. There was never any 'talking her out' of anything, once she gets her mind set.
Oh! I did most of the “man stuff”, but I did most of the cooking too. She did most of the cleaning, but not all… I washed the dishes after I cooked, she washed them after she cooked,(which was mostly rice and something to go with it). I cook anything and everything! 😂 Just depends on how my hot little mind is working at the moment.