This is an interesting idea. On the surface, it looks like a great idea, but there are depths that I can only, at this time, begin to consider.
One thing to consider is that most transwomen, that I’m aware of, don’t wish to be desired primarily for the fact that they are transgender. After life threatening emotional turmoil, usually lasting many years, and never really being resolved to any significant degree, many of us become resigned to acceptance of the sad fact that always having “transgender” be attached to everything about us, is inescapable.
Eventually, tiring of the struggle for acceptance,(external and internal), we settle. We have to come to some kind of terms with the very struggle that is at the center of our existence, and resign ourselves to never being desired, (or rejected), simply for the woman that we know ourselves to be.
Some men/women understand, to some degree, this struggle and strive to assure us that they “love” us for much more than the fact that we are transgender. That may very well be true, for some, or even many, but the inescapable fact that they were first attracted to us because we are trans, never truly becomes a “nothing”, a non-factor.
The struggle then, the path to an actual, truly romantic relationship, is that we must accept, make a mutual agreement that we can both live with. It’s an agreed apon rationale that doesn’t pretend that these factors don’t exist, but acknowledges their importance, while putting them in their proper place.
That “proper place” will not be exactly the same for any two couples, though it’s likely to share some major similarities, with adjustments made as the partnership progresses.
Of course, this is only what comes “off the top of my head”, at this moment in time…
Please apply your own interpretation.
Peace Love Kindness Respect the more you give the more you get 😍 start with yourself 😉 because you deserve it ❤️🙏🏼