2 min readJul 25, 2019


There’s a method that I used to feminize my voice, well over 20 years ago. Some “professionals”, in order to complicate voice training and justify the fees that they charge will disparage it. It worked just fine for me.

I’ve heard some of these “professionals” call it the “top-down-method”.

It’s called counter-tenor. It was developed in Italy when people began objecting to the castration of boys who sang the female parts of operas.

I, too, had a lower baritone/upper bass voice. I am never mistaken for a man, not for over twenty years.

The average female voice is only half an octave higher than the average male voice. The difference is in the timbre, the size of the resonating chamber.

Timbre can be observed quite easily. Imagine a violin playing a middle C. Now, a bass viol playing a middle C. It’s exactly the same note, but the difference in the sound is obvious. That difference is the difference in timbre.

Start by singing a steady, clear note, a falsetto, as high as you can go. In clear, single notes, one note at a time, bring the pitch down until your voice “breaks” into a male timbre. You will quite clearly hear and feel it.

Always starting at the highest falsetto, repeat this exercise, trying hard to not let your voice break into the male timbre.

Practice every day for a half hour to an hour. Every day, without fail. Within a few weeks, you should find that you are able to go lower and lower, without your voice breaking.

Now you are ready to begin training for serious and long-lasting, effortless speaking and singing.

I recommend singing along with Patsy Cline. Her voice is low in pitch but still of a feminine timbre.

You will find that, after a month or two, you will never be mistaken for a man on the telephone, ever again!

And if you feel the need to use your old voice, a moment to find it and you can sound like a man again (perish the thought).

Really, in my experience, it’s a bad idea to ever use the old voice, in person. A close friend of mine asked me to do it. I told her that she wouldn’t like it because it’s just entirely too weird. She said, “I’ll be ok😁”. I did it. She looked at the floor and said, quietly, seriously, “Don’t do that again.” I said, “Yeah, it even makes me uncomfortable.”





Written by WeeziSbaby

Bye y'all. it's been real. I have a new Chromebook, but I prefer to write these little "aside" pieces on my phone, curled up in my comfy chair. always love; w

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