The power of prayer
Do I have to be 100% sure that there is a "higher power", a "God" or "Goddess", in order for prayer to be effective? No…
Prayer is effective, when it’s a habit. We all have what’s called our "internal dialogue". You’ve probably heard Dr. Phil mention it on his TV show. It’s the constant running commentary that goes on in our heads, 24/7.
What I tell myself always, in some form or fashion, becomes true.
I can say to myself, "Oh, I’m just not any good at that". When it becomes a habit, regardless of the source, the beginning, the mother, father, teacher, preacher, etc, it becomes true. I convince myself of it.
If I speak with a knowledgeable person, such as a liscensed, board-certified, psychologist, and identify the sources of these self-defeating statements I’ve been making to myself, without even a conscious decision to do so, I can consciously make the decision to change my "internal dialogue".
Old habits are hard to break, but the effort is more than worth it... Pray to whatever higher power you choose, whatever has meaning to you. Don’t complain and whine to your Goddess, or ask for impossible things. Pray for courage, strength, serenity. Pray for....Peace Love Kindness Respect the more you give the more you get 😍 start with yourself 😉 because you deserve it.
If you make it a daily habit, you will be surprised at the results. You might even notice a feeling, kind of “sneaking up” on you, a sense of the spirit. It’s up to you what you call that spirit. Call it God, call it Goddess, call it Gaia…call it “the universe”. Just try, you will find it.❤️🙏🏼 (I promise)
Weezie 😁