2 min readFeb 18, 2020


The link you provided went to only one Italian article about an,(alleged), trans-woman, who was in a bathroom stall too long to suit a pregnant woman who, well…she was pregnant, really had to go. After the pregnant woman was banging on the door and shouting, apparently for quite some time, the,(alleged), trans woman came out and gave the pregnant woman a little slap on the cheek.

That’s really a long reach to find something for “evidence”! It was a single incident, not multiple.

I’m a trans-woman myself. I grew at the same rate as the girls, in grade school. I never had brow-ridges, or a hairy body, or even a real beard, (I only have to pluck it twice a month). I “transitioned” 27 years ago. I don’t shave my legs or underarms because there’s nothing to shave. No one knows I’m trans unless I tell them, and then they react with some variation on the theme of, “What!? No way! You’re pulling my leg! Seriously!?”

Of course I’ve been using the ladies room for decades.

I do understand the “creepy” feeling when a “trans-woman” is around. I get it myself. It’s quite uncomfortable 😣😔.

I’ve had, over this last nearly 30 years, all of the degradations that patriarchal-rape-culture is guilty of, including rape.

I got kicked off of a private FB page today for bringing up the subject!(ie; feeling creeped out in the company of a “man in a dress”). There was no willingness to discuss the subject, only immediate outrage and shit slinging…

I’m kicking myself for even writing this response 😂😅😑.

Although I didn’t want to just “bow out”, and dissapear into the background like trans-people who easily “pass”, as I do, I’ve come to realize that I can’t help anyone who is totally invested in irrational fears and delusions. That includes the obvious transwomen and the TERFs, GCFs, or whatever 🙄, who hate them.

When you can’t find, in the entire world, a single legitimate case of a trans-woman commiting a sex-related assault, but you’re still obsessed with the mere possibility, you have a severe psychological problem.(and please don’t bring up criminals, in prison. They obviously have problems that none of us are qualified to diagnose).

I suggest,(really), a liscensed, board-certified, clinical psychologist.

Peace Love Kindness Respect the more you give the more you get 😍 (w. boundaries)

PS: I am really done with the whole subject. Y’all fight amongst yourselves…





Written by WeeziSbaby

Bye y'all. it's been real. I have a new Chromebook, but I prefer to write these little "aside" pieces on my phone, curled up in my comfy chair. always love; w

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