The last time I spoke to my 33 year old daughter, she was in her car, driving. She said, “I’m on my way to get my pussy waxed”.
I thought, “Geezz! Ouch! Have you lost your fucking mind!?”
I said, “Well, have fun, and be careful driving. I love you honey.”
I trim a bit, so that it doesn’t get out of control, and shave outside the bikini line, occasionally. Mine doesn’t grow fast, or much, really. I’ve certainly never had a man make any comment at all…. Though, now that I think of it, my ex, Darryl, did shave me, when we first met…actually, within an hour of meeting… well, that’s another story…
It’s a personal preference. To wax for some random dude? I wouldn’t, but that’s just me…
Yeah, I know…I just said that Darryl shaved my entire body, within one hour of meeting…. but *waxing*?