2 min readSep 28, 2021


That’s interesting. Thank you Jack.
I was born in 1958. Guess I’m a "boomer".
I also happen to be a trans-woman lesbian. I transitioned in 1993 San Diego.
I live in a small college town in eastern North Carolina now, and since the year 2000.
I "came out" to my AA group a few years ago.
There was a very small amount of "pushback" from two of the women at the weekly women’s meeting.
At a business meeting,(that I purposely stayed away from), the two women suggested that I not be allowed to attend the women’s meeting.
The other members there simply told them that AA has been completely inclusive from the beginning, relying on nothing but the third tradition, "the only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking".
There was, reportedly, some sputtering, "but, but, but"...
However those two were told that they were welcome to attend one of the other women’s groups in town.

I had mentioned, in the past, in a response on Medium, that I attended the women’s meeting and sometimes chaired it.
The other day I got a response from a woman who started with, "You see! That’s the problem! You sneaking in there and not telling anyone that you’re not a woman!"
I replied, "I told them that I was transgender a few years ago. After knowing me for that long, they no longer care. They knew that I was trans when I started chairing meetings."
I’m sure that it helps that I totally "pass", after all it’s been nearly three decades.
I’ve been harassed, talked over, ignored, assumed to be subservient, even raped. It just happens that I don’t have a uterus, just
as some cis women don’t.

Aside from that, I’ve suffered every indignity, misogyny, sexual harassment and assault, that cis women do, for nearly thirty years.
My voice is perfect and I was raised by a widowed mother and three older sisters.

We are all great friends now. I don’t really pay attention to the “gender critical” crowd. I have thousands of FB friends who are both cis woman lesbians and have no doubt who and what I am.

I suspect that there are many transwomen and transmen out there who, like me, you just don’t see, unless they purposely make themselves visible, as I have.

I thought it was important to do, particularly in a place like NC.

It seems to be a success.

Of course, there are still the sex-addict types that just assume that I’m as obsessed with it as they are.

They’ve been disappointed, and moved on.

Again, thank you Jack.


PS: the Kinseys and more modern studies have shown that, although most of them would never admit it, about 80% of people are at least bisexual, if not simply a repressed homosexual. Ten percent on one end are stone straight, ten percent totally gay.

Regardless of what people are willing to admit openly, heart rate, blood pressure, and pupil dilation do not lie.





Written by WeeziSbaby

Bye y'all. it's been real. I have a new Chromebook, but I prefer to write these little "aside" pieces on my phone, curled up in my comfy chair. always love; w

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