That’s a lot of explaining!
Sorry, I guess it would take a very detailed description for most men to “get it”.
I’m in a well known 12 step program. The number of fuck girls and boys is pretty astounding in an organization like that. Not to mention that I’m a retired call girl 🙂.
I’m 62 years old now, and watch the kids run around, playing their games, with amusement, but concern as well.
Recently, a manipulative little thing tried to ensnare me in her little web. Needless to say, it didn’t work.
She doesn’t care if it’s a man or a woman, as long as she can pull their strings.
Months after she first tried to snare me, and I watched her make the rounds of my friends, which didn’t work either, she came to a meeting with a quite obese fellow. He’s a nice guy, a good, sensitive, compassionate man.
During the meeting I texted her.
“Be gentle with him?”
She looked at her phone, then looked up at me, across the room, with her usual devilish smile, evil sparkle in her eyes…
Her reply? “Hahahaha”
The man is a grown-up, in his late 40s…It wouldn’t do for me to insert myself.
I said a little prayer for him.
I haven’t seen either one of them in a meeting for quite a while now…