That was great Beth! I nearly fell out of my chair at, “ladylike fart”! 🤣
Receiving anal sex has been a speciality of mine for approximately 30 years.
You, or your older fellow, got it right. Push out, like pushing out a 💩 to loosen the outer anal spincter. Pull in, like holding in flatulence or diarrhea, to tighten it.
I have found it quite enjoyable, even amusing, to sit, apparently unmoving, on a man’s cock and push out, pull in, rhythmically, “milking” him until he begs me to stop, “No! Stop! I’m gonna cum!”🤣
PS: I had a client once, in the 90s, who had Mammoth Man Meat. I got my outer spincter ready with four fingers, but he got on top of me,(missionary), and pounded away, right from the first stroke. I don’t think that it made a noise, outside of the internal popping sound that I heard through my body, when he forced his way past my inner anal spincter!
Years later, after having a colonoscopy, the doc said that I have a hemorrhoid, on my inner anal spincter!