Thank you ZUVA!
Last week I had an emotional breakdown, because I was afraid to hook up with one of the three women who have been unmistakably signaling their eagerness for me, for nearly two years!
The most recent “chicken-out” was with a woman whom I was instantly very attracted to from the first time we met.
My silliness was brought “home” to me last week when a young woman shared, at the weekly women’s AA meeting, about mixing her color palette at work, meticulously getting each shade exactly “right”. Unknown to her, her boss was at the door watching her. He said, “****, what would happen if you just squirted a color right out of the tube and used it? Would the sky fall, or the apocalypse begin? Free your inner child. PLAY! Don’t take yourself so seriously!”
Peace Love Kindness Respect the more you give the more you get 🥰😜😎 (start with yourself 😉)