Thank you Tim.
When I was much younger, I received a piece of mail that offered a lifetime membership to the NRA for half price. $750, rather than $1500. I wanted the hat.
It was in an election year. At the time, I had considerably more wealth than I do now, and was a registered Republican. I was also still pretending to be someone I was not, but that’s another story.
When I made the decision to stop allowing irrational fears to control me, I eventually got rid of my considerable gun collection.
I had been in the military, a war veteran, and perhaps had a little PTSD…(okay, definitely).
I’m now in favor of much stricter control of gun sales and safety, and, a few years ago, called the NRA, identified myself as a life-member, and asked them to remove my name from the roles. The connection was mysteriously lost. When I tried, three times, to call back, the call wouldn’t go through.
I suspect, if I sent them an email, it would be ignored.
I don’t hate guns. I’m very familiar and comfortable with all common types. I could recommend firearms for anyone, for any purpose, from considerable experience.
I choose not to.
Peace Love Kindness Respect the more you give the more you get 😍