Thank you so much for spelling all of that out!
I’m sixty years old, been on HRT for 26 years. I am “undetectable”, with my crotch covered. (although I’m still a little surprised when I tell someone and they are shocked 😂)
I’m getting a refund, soon, for all of the student loan payments for the last decade or two.
Medicare will pay for the hospital costs. I only have to pay the surgeon’s fee. The VA will provide after care.
I’ve been smoking like a Soviet steel-mill for 45 years.
After reading your description, I’m having second thoughts, however I’ll still be discussing it with Dr Macfee at Duke University Medical Center.
It’s a lot to think about. I’m an absolute expert on receiving anal penetration, but it would certainly be nice to not have to “douche” out my poop-chute, before every time. When I was a call girl in the 90s, I flushed out my entire colon to prepare for work, 3 or 4 days a week. That gave me six to eight hours of clean time.