Thank you Sarah.
I’ve mostly, at least on the surface, disengaged from the fighting, the emotive combat…
Somewhere deep inside of me is the knowledge of how many people would relish the opportunity to trash me. Making me cry would delight many of them.
You are so right, it’s a sad statement on the spiritual condition of a large part of humanity.
I live in Greenville NC. I go to AA meetings at the “low-bottom” AA Hut. It’s right around the corner, convenient to walk to.
I “pass", have done for decades, but quiting drinking for good, and improving my emotional and spiritual health, meant that I had to be completely honest with myself, about myself.
I was honest with my group. Occasionally I repeat the fact that I’m trans, for the benifit of the newcomers.
First of all, I can do my small part to show a small segment of people that transwomen aren’t necessarily threatening or disruptive, or argumentative, or petulantly defensive.
In fact, some of us are quite nice, kind and compassionate, altogether nice to have around.
The microaggressions and obvious signs of ridiculous back-biting rumours are simply something that goes with the “territory”.
I practice the Dharma, Tibetan Buddhism, to be precise.
At 62, having transitioned in 1993, at the age of 34, it doesn’t drag me down, send me into deep, dark depression…as it did many years ago.
I can’t force people to grow up, become emotionally mature. I can only represent…
If you’re breathing, suffering is guaranteed. You can, if you take the opportunity to learn, choose happiness, replace the attachment to negative thoughts and emotions with kindness and compassion, for yourself and others.
Those misguided people are not inherently evil, they are simply ignorant. They don’t understand the real reasons for the way they feel. Their fears and insecurities take them for a wild ride, and they actually think that they are doing the right thing.
Think about it…What feels better, is more intoxicating, is more attractive, than unbridled self-righteous anger?
(Should have added, “is more addictive”.)
Have you ever known anyone who was always fired up over some issue or another…then, when it’s settled, they are depressed, searching…until they find a new issue to become,(let’s be honest), hysterical about?
I’m rambling again…
Peace Love Kindness Respect the more you give the more you get 😍 start with yourself 😉 because you deserve it ❤️🙏🏼