Thank you Oak 😊
I lived the first 34 years of my life performing “masculine”, not always well.
I lived, up to about a year ago, the last 28 years of my life performing “femme”, very well indeed.(thankyouverymuch😁),(no, no, no applause, just throw money 😘🥳🎉).
These days, at 62, I’m not performing anything, (though I find that I’m simply unable to just bend over and pick something up. The bunny-dip seems to be hardwired into me at this point!)☺
My knees tend to touch, at almost all times. I sometimes have to remind myself, when sitting in public, that it’s okay to to let my legs separate a little, just for comfort…and a bit of 'inyourface’😊
People sometimes,(rarely), refer to me with male pronouns. It literally doesn’t bother me at all.
In a twelve step meeting, earlier today, a young woman, who, since I wasn’t wearing a bra, and my voice is unmistakably ’female’, probably thinks I’m FtoM, referred to me as “him", or “he", I’m not sure now…
A man sitting beside me, who knows my whole story, looked at me, with a slight gesture in her direction, and raised his eyebrows a little.
I shrugged and smiled, and continued listening to her share.
I don’t think I would have noticed if he hadn’t brought it to my attention.
After the meeting I introduced myself to her and we talked about connection being the opposite of addiction, about loving and supporting each other, and other recovery related stuff.
U no, though we may tell others, and ourselves, that, “I don’t care what other people think about me!”, when you get to the place where it actually, truly, doesn’t matter,(no mo FOPO😂), you are flying. Now you have more time to be of real benifit to other living beings, and isn’t that, really, what it’s all about?
Love you dude!