1 min readAug 29, 2021


Thank you Oak.
I’ve been a bit lax lately, working through some stuff of my own,(which is going well, ty😁).
It’s always wonderful to hear about a mother who embodies what love really is. I congratulate you and her. Hugs!
I was particularly struck by her answer to what she worried the most about, ie; your physical safety.
I’ve mentioned before, probably more than once, a conversation I had with my mom many years ago...
She was born in rural eastern North Carolina in 1924. This happened in the early two thousands.
I once walked into her bedroom and was asked by her, "Honey, I don’t want to upset you, but do you think you could just be a gay man? I’m afraid someone might hurt you."
I saw the same unconditional love and concern that I’d always gotten from her.
I said, gently, "No Mama. That won’t do at all. I tried that for a number of years and it’s just not me.(pause for a little cry-control), I love you too, Mama."
We had a nice long hug. There may have been a bit of stinging in some eyes, along with a bit of moisture;).
I still think that you’re a fantastic person Oak. I’ll try to read more in the future.
Peace Love Kindness Respect the more you give the more you get 😍 start with yourself 😉 because you deserve it ❤️🙏🏼 (you really do. I promise.)




Written by WeeziSbaby

Bye y'all. it's been real. I have a new Chromebook, but I prefer to write these little "aside" pieces on my phone, curled up in my comfy chair. always love; w

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