Thank you Noor.
I was a white “male” until the age of 35, when I “came out” as a trans woman,(1993).
Over the last 27 years my perspective has shifted radically. As a white male, I was never purposely racist, sexist, or against anyone. I was mostly oblivious to the suffering of others. My world view simply didn’t include others, outside of my own demographic.
During those first 35 years, when confronted with racism, and other inhumane institutions, I would agree that it was wrong, but never really understand just how grotesque it really was…
My journey since then has left me very sensitive to the plight of marginalized, and subjugated people, particularly the besieged and much abused Palestinians.
I wish you all the best in your life and will support you whenever I see your writing.
Peace Love Kindness Respect the more you give the more you get 😍 start with yourself 😉