Thank you Kristen.
I’m a trans woman who began transitioning in 1993.
Many cis men have pursued me, over the years. (Quite a few have caught me 🤭).
I’m finding, in my old age, that I’m very attracted to cis-women, but I’m hesitant, considering that I am, judging by my history, very likely to fall head over heels for a woman.
“Falling”, much less, “head over heels”, is more than a bit frightening to me. I’ve grown to love one man before, but I didn’t realize it until it was over… he had the same problem that my wife of ten years had, didn’t want me to transition…
Since then, it’s been the occasional hetero man who just wants a little “kink”🙄, or the closeted gay man…
Oh well, c’est la vie…. life goes on and on…
I greatly enjoyed your essay.
Peace Love Kindness Respect the more you give the more you get 😍 start with yourself 😉
PS: never heard of “skoliosexual” ima Google it.