Thank you Julia.
I’m a white woman, white as white can be. I was raised, partially,(in my early childhood, up to age 8), by an African-Panamanian woman and a San Blas”indian”,(“pygmy”).
From there, to adulthood, I was in an all white family, upper middle class/moderately wealthy.
These days,(at 61 y/o), I have a 33 y/o daughter who is of “mixed” “race”. Her friends and boyfriends have always been, and still are, black Americans.
Most of my family estranged or deceased, I live in an apartment complex that is 99% African American.
Systemic racism is something that I understand, am familiar with, to a much greater degree than most white people.
I’m not well though. My life has been very hard on me, in every way. Though I’m only 61, I feel like I’m on my last legs most of the time. The racist killings of the last several years, since I’ve been sober and clean, have me in tears whenever I look at the videos and read the news.
I’m likely to veer off on some disconnected, depressive direction, so I’ll stop now.
Peace Love Kindness Respect the more you give the more you get 😍 start with yourself 😉 because you deserve it ❤️🙏🏼