Thank you Judith. You’ve helped me see my own life in a new way.
I was a pretty boy. Age 14;
One of my earliest creepy memories is of when I was in a dentist’s chair, about 14 or so years old. I remember the dentist taking some kind of dental tool out of my mouth. He leaned back, as he patted the upper, inside of my thigh. Leaving his hand there, with a disturbing grin, and a gleam in his eye, he said, “Now let’s see that pretty smile!”🙄
I was every teacher’s pet. I never, not even once, applied for a job and didn’t get it.
Because of gender dysphoria, I became an alcoholic at a young age. Although entirely too drunk at every event and function, absolutely any of the social groups that I cared to be with accepted me.
I made rank in the Navy easily. When I left the Navy in 1993 and transitioned from male to female, no one would hire me as a welder or aircraft mechanic. So I, quite easily and quickly, became the most popular “TS call girl” in the San Diego metro area.1995;
I’m getting pretty old now,(62 last month), and 45 years of drinking and smoking has done a great deal of damage to my appearance. 2019;
One thing is still the same as it was in 1973. Not as many at this point, but men and women of all ages frequently want to have sex with me, and most are not shy about letting me know.
I’ve stopped wearing makeup and dress myself conservatively, so the number of “flirters” has gone down some, but still…🙄
I’m holding out for love, this time.
Thanks again
PS; I’ve been sober and clean for over two years now.😁 Oh! Congratulations to you for overcoming pretty privilege to be smart and self-aware. Neither of us had to learn much of anything. We only had to satisfied with being “kept”… I’m happy to see that it was unacceptable to you, too!