Thank you "elbow"!
I've never had any trouble in the ladies room, except for once, in the local VA clinic. When I checked in some women saw that my ID had a male sounding name.(this was some years ago)
One busybody middle aged woman followed me when I let them know that I would be right back, had to visit the ladies room.
Two younger,(30-something women), followed, determinedly, behind her, jaws set.
It was really pretty funny.
I went to a stall and peed as the two younger women took the stalls on either side of me.
The older woman stood to one side of the room, arm crossed, a scowl on her face.
The three of us who were finished got up, washed our hands, and each of in turn gave the old busybody a big smile 😁.
I'll admit, thirty years after transition, to being a bit uncomfortable in proximity to a trans-woman who doesn't pass, but unlike a "gender critical" woman, I don't take that bit of fear and build it up, like a snowball rolling downhill, using exaggerated and even made-up "reasons" to explain my fear,
grasping it with a death-grip til that evil grin.
Some people just love outrage so m
uch that they are addicted to it.
Like an addict, it becomes the most important thing in the world to them, and they will stop at nothing to keep that thrill of self-righteous anger going, their particular sort of "high".
If I were a vindictive woman I would savor the knowledge that they are perpetually miserable people.
Thanks again, elbow 😉
PS: see? I've done it again! Gone on and on in a response to the point that I should stick a title and a pic on it!
Be well my friend 💜🌈🙏🏼🦄🥳😁
PPS; I have a few thousand lesbian FB friends. Every now and then I post a little piece with my story and chronological pictures. My number of friends has gone from right at 5000, way, way down to…4,988.