Thank you!
Sex is not necessary to happiness.
After being a call-girl in the 90s, I didn’t have sex of any kind with anyone, not even myself, for twenty years.
Then there was the muscle bound bad-boy that came back and revenge raped me after I broke up with him, last year.
Early this year, there were two encounters with another bad boy, this one a bit smaller in stature, so I didn’t feel threatened. I wrote about him in “WOW, I didn’t realize I needed that!”
Since then, I’ve grown a bit tired of the men, and occasional woman, who chat me up, seeking a hook up.🙄
I’m 61 years old now, and finally my self-esteem no longer depends so heavily on being desired, though it hasn’t stopped…it never stops…a man in a restaurant, last night, sent his 70 year old wife over to our table to compliment my hair and “beauty”, a complete stranger, 70 year old woman, glancing up at her husband every few seconds, telling me what a “sexy young girl” I am.🙄 “How old are you? 31?” “No, I’m 61". “Just wait till 70, it’s even better!”
I feel sorry for her…I could guess, probably pretty accurately, at what’s going on with them, but I’d rather not go there…
Yeah, sex is overrated…