My hair is getting very thin on top. It happened to my oldest sister, Mary. She teased, permed, sprayed her hair into an approximation of the standard “old-southern-lady- helmet-head" doo.
Problem was that she was 5’0" tall. Everyone could look down and see her scalp! Of course no one was rude enough to say anything, but there were frequent eye-rolls and little smiles.😂
She was an absolutely warm-hearted, compassionate delight of a person, and was greatly loved.
Having had that experience, and beginning to practice the Dharma, as per Tibetan Buddhism, watching Pema Chodron and Venerable Thubten Chodron,(two buddhist nuns with shaved heads), I decided that it was the best way to go. No wigs, no complicated or expensive, or time consuming efforts to have a nice hairdoo…
As I honestly don’t worry about what others think of my appearance anymore…well.. simple and easy is a blessing.
Thanks for your interest Carol. I’m looking forward to reading more of your excellent work.
PS: I went to the beach last Wednesday with a friend and our mutual acquaintance. We are 58 and 62. Our mutual friend is 41. Let’s call her “Lizzy”.
(and that is with spf 70 sunscreen!) I’m a painfully white girl!
We had lain in the sun for an hour or two when My friend suggested we have a walk down the beach.
“lizzy" hung back a bit and was fascinated with the pretty colors on the various small seashells, catching up with us every now and then to show us the pretty shells.
One time she came up behind me and spoke, excitedly, sounding quite delighted and even a bit surprised, “No one can tell!”
At first I was mystified. “What is she talking about?”
Then, “Oh, the others on the beach are not staring and pointing at me, “the tranny".
Having been a frequently seen acquaintance for a few years, “lizzy” knows that I’m transgender. Having known it from almost the beginning, she can see that I am trans. She’s had plenty of time to adjust to the idea.
She was simply surprised that, even in a bikini and with a shaved head,(and a Carolina blue, vintage, UNC ball cap), no one thought me unusual, or gave me a second look.
At this point in my life, I couldn’t possibly care less about whether anyone can “tell”, or not. Lol!
I didn’t tell her that. Gotta let the kids have fun!
Note, a few days later: I don’t know why I didn’t mention it when I first wrote this, but it also occurred to me that some number of people could tell, but simply didn’t care. Not to mention that, as I’ve pointed out to others before, most people are almost always too preoccupied with their own concerns to pay much attention to a passing stranger…😉 (it’s not all about me)
She has a good job running a law office for a very nice man that we all know, and is very good at it.
She is also the mother of two wonderful boys…
We met at the women’s meeting of a well known twelve step recovery group.
It was one of those days that makes me feel blessed to be sober.
Be safe my friend ❤️🙏🏼