My goodness! You kids sure like to argue, don’t ya?
I’m 62, transitioned at 35,(MtoF), and am completely retired. I don’t argue with self-loathing fools.
Putting others down in order to prop up your own abysmal self-esteem, is the height of childishness, a sure sign of massive insecurity.
Am I speaking of the transmen or transwomen?
Well, in this instance, it seems that a certain group of transmen are the instigators of a totally irrelevant childish hissy fit, but it would have no power at all if transwomen didn’t feel “triggered” and respond.
Whenever you are angry, look to yourself to see what’s wrong inside you that you even felt it necessary to respond.(hint: it’s fear and insecurity)
It’s really quite simple, don’t respond to childish attacks by your would be bullies. They are only advertising their own insecurities, their self doubt, even self-loathing.
I can only offer this, to everyone;
Peace Love Kindness Respect the more you give the more you get 😍 start with yourself 😉 because you deserve it ❤️🙏🏼 (you really do. I promise.)