(content ⚠️, rape)
I had one, Ken,(he’ll never read this), who wanted me to just be ready for him whenever he felt like dropping by, unannounced, to fuck me.
At first it was fun, a sexy surprise to break up my day…he was particularly delighted when I showed him that his designation in my contacts list was,”Ken, Mandingo”,(he had a big one).
He was dominant in the “bedroom”, and I liked it.
It eventually dawned on me that he must be taking Viagra, or something similar. He would have to “go take care of some business. But I’ll be back. My dick is still hard!”
I finally told him that I would no longer be his “fuck-dummy", he should never come back.
A week later he awakened me by banging on the door, early on a Saturday morning. I looked out the peephole and saw a black man, head down, arm up, with a ball-cap on his head. There just happened to be a UPS truck visible in the parking lot.
I opened the door and it was Ken. He walked in, pushing me down, fumbling at my breasts, pulling my nightgown over my shoulders, me saying, “Wait! No! Stop it! I don’t want to!”
It didn’t take long to realize that he wasn’t going to stop. He told me to go to the bathroom and douche out my “boi-pussy",(anal cavity).
As he was a workout fanatic, biceps bigger than my glutes, I didn’t feel like I had any choice.
I sat in there, douching, wondering what I should do. My phone was in the living room. If I tried to go for it, he would grab me, as the bathroom I was in was off the bedroom where he waited. I would have to get by him, somehow.
I decided, as many women before me have, that it would be safer to just go along with what he wanted. I might be raped, but I didn’t have to beat up in the bargain…
His cock was pretty big, not super thick, but a bit too long. He had always been careful not to hurt me, in the past.
He rammed me with complete abandon this time. As I made various grunts and squeaks from his cock slamming into my internal anal sphincter, he stopped thrusting, looked down at me with dead, killer eyes, and said, voice deep, “Shut. Up.”
I have to stop now. Sorry for launching into this in a response…