I think that many people of compassion and reasoned perspective share your veiw.
Societies based on cooperation, rather than competition, have existed before. Sad to say, they only exist now, in isolated tribes in central and south america.
When I was a child, in Panama, our “Gardener”,(I think that he was really there to watch over our houskeeper and I), was a San Blas tribesman, a “Pygmy”.
In his isolated culture, cooperation was the expected and innate “normal”. Conflict was treated as a shocking abberation, and lovingly corrected, (at least within the tribe). They had no concept of “personal property”. Everything belonged to everyone in the tribe, equally. My father said, “You can teach them how to play baseball, and they will have a rollicking good time, but you can’t get them to understand the concept of ‘keeping score’.” This was not due to any lack of intelligence. They were simply not introduced to the concept as children.
It’s been more than fifty years. I hope that they are still there, on their little island, happy and healthy, uncorrupted by the rest of us.