I’ve seen it in the other direction. I transitioned from male to Female 26 years ago. I just went along with the changes in my apparent status for a long time, simply happy that, and comfortable with, being perceived as my proper gender. It was a huge relief for many years.
Now, it’s been 25 years of experience as a woman. It’s getting extremely *old*! 🤯🙄
I’ve experienced the full range of misogyny, sexual harassment, and rape culture, but I have never been tempted to “de-transition”.
I had to stop hrt for several years, to please my daughter, but nearly drank myself to death 💀. So, going back is not an option.
I’m quite sure that some of the men I interact with regularly think that I’m an “uppity bitch”, or don’t know my “place”, they can’t intimidate me, and I know it pisses them off. I don’t exert myself often, I’m more strategic about it, but when I deem it important, I won’t allow them to dismiss me…usually when I’m defending another woman, especially young women…
I am demure and fairly submissive, most of the time, but don’t push me. Especially don’t fuck with a young woman…