It’s the culprit that causes the most trouble…Fear.
Unexplored, unquestioned, so often irrational, Fear.
“There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance. That principle is contempt prior to investigation.”
— Herbert Spencer —
This is a very old quote, so replace “man” with “person”. It is, however, a quote, so I repeated it verbatim.
People fall prey to a new fear, spread by neurotic people, then carry it forward with them, victims of Mr. Spencer’s principle. Convinced of the truth of the original fallacy, they go forward seeing “evidence” everywhere, now, unknowingly, practicing confirmation bias…
Trying to convince them that they are wrong is like trying to take a bone from a feral bulldog.
Don’t beat your head against a wall of ignorance. The best way to prove them wrong is to live your best life, grounded in, Peace Love Kindness Respect the more you give the more you get 😍
PS: After living here, small town NC, for a few years, my friends and acquaintances know me to be a kind, loving woman. I’m invited to all of the functions that are exclusively for women, in fact, I was “voluntold”, by popular demand, to chair the women’s twelve step meeting last night, which, obviously, I am welcomed at. Be nice, respect boundaries. You will be fine…..with the people who matter.
PPS: 🤭 sorry, I forgot to mention that, except for the occasional newcomer, they all know that I am trans.😇