It starts with the perspective, the intention, of the thinker/speaker.
There's definitely an overall pattern of societal regard towards women and men, but, if you look deeper and add that to decades of experience in real life, you will find that there are more differences within the sexes than there are between them.
No longer being hunter-gatherers, the situation has changed from the previously common 'morher-as-homemaker' "norm".
In a modern, present day, society, more than ever, we have to become used to old, standard tropes changing and being discarded as no longer useful.
I've read a young man who listed "certainty" as a "quality" of masculinity. Certainty is an attractive trap. Relying on "knowing absolutely how something is" or is not, can spell disaster in any area of human existence.
The appeal of seeing life and people in certain terms, placing them in certain categories and classes is a tempting thing., but it's an exercise, if you will, in intellectual laziness.
The truth of the human race, and each individual in it, indeed the very universe itself and everything in it, is that of change.
That's a universal truth that can always be counted on, the only constant is change.
Nothing stays the same.
Society changes.
Groups or classes of people change.
Even time changes in direct proportion to velocity.
To be noticable to our human senses a significant portion of the speed of light in a vacuum must be reached, but nevertheless is does change.
In a few experiments the speed of light has even been changed, only extremely slightly, but changed nevertheless.
We must define, judge, others to navigate through our lives, but that necessity can be, and often is, taken to an extreme that is disproportionate and detrimental to all.
The judgement or categorization
of others is best only indulged in for as short a time as possible. Holding on to it for too long is like pulling an anchor around with you, 24/7.
"To claim absolute certainty is to become monsterous"- Frank Herbert-
This might help: