It forced me to take stock of my life, stop flitting around, drunk and careless.
With no money other than a small, monthly check, i was forced to learn how to live in the real world, with a limited budget.
It was no longer the case that I could do as I pleased, and Mama would buy my way out of trouble, indeed, buy a new car for me after I wrecked the last one. Purchase land and let me pick the plans for a new house and modify them to suit myself. She simply paid for it all, cash.
Being poor has saved my life. I would certainly have drank or drugged myself to death by now, if I had millions of dollars to draw on, as it suited me…
I was in the navy for several years, even worked as a call girl after that. That was just my pride, wanting to feel like I was supporting myself.
In reality, Mama bought me two cars during that time, and would have subsidized all of my expenses, if I had only called her and cried a little…
Whenever I went on a spending spree and needed a boost to get through the month…just make that phone call, and three days later a check appeared in my mailbox.
I’m sorry I couldn’t be a better person for her.
I hope that she’s looking down and is proud of me now, sober and clean, responsible…(some young folks even accuse me of being “wise”!) Lol!
I try to help others who have similar backgrounds. Through the pure luck of birth I’ve had a lot more education than most of them who come in, dragging their tails, scraping bottom, and just needing a hand up.
They only need someone who’s been there, climbed out of it, and is willing to reach back, share some experience, wisdom and hope.
My duty, now, is to be of benefit to all living beings.
My only true expertise is climbing out of a pit of despair, breaking away from the insanity of alcohol and other-drug addiction, and making, improving, continually, day by day, a connection with a god of my understanding.
If I can help one lost soul out that abyss, my time has been well spent, and I’ll have 'paid forward' what others have done for me.
Peace Love Kindness Respect the more you give the more you get 😍 start with yourself 😉 because you deserve it ❤️🙏🏼