Is my “trans-ness” a delusion?
People of all “stripes” live within multiple delusions at almost all times.
There’s…well, let’s see…the delusion of what other people think of us. Let’s be honest, can’t you sometimes simply imagine how a conversation about you, between two people who may or may not know you well, imagining a snippet of the conversation, word for word? You do it when deciding on an action that may influence other’s reactions, and ultimately their opinions about you. “What will the neighbors think?” “I can hear them now”!
A person who is constantly worried about what others think of them is having these imaginary conversations almost constantly. They have a imaginary “world” where this constant dialogue is “running in the background” of their minds.
When it becomes constant and “loud” enough to negatively impact their daily functioning, it has risen to the level of a paranoid delusion. They believe that the conversations are actually real.
Delusional thinking, in a mild form, is a normal part of daily life for the vast majority of people, witness the masses who say that they would die rather than give up the delusion of a magical being, ie; “God”…
Many of these people who are firmly entrenched in the God-delusion would, at the same time, tell me that being transgender is a delusion, and contrary to what their preferred delusion “says” on the matter.
So we have around 7 billion human beings who depend, on “beneficial” delusions, including, but not limited to, delusions about their own appearance, intelligence, competence, “common sense”…. the list goes on and on…
So, why would these people be so adamant about insisting that I am deluded and should not be allowed to live as the person that gives me self-esteem, confidence, and a “zest for life”?
It’s a bit of a “sticky-wicket”, I know…
Does the average “trans-phobe” have the delusion that all of the “rules” of the Patriarchal Dominance Hierarchy are immutable, 100% fixed and represent “absolute inviolable reality”?
Does the average trans-phobe have the delusionary fear that allowing me, and others like me, to freely express ourselves, will cause a “snowball effect”, causing millions of people to suddenly rip off their clothes and run screaming down the street, “I’m frosty the snowman!”, or whatever their particular “thing” is?
I’ve seen a very similar argument from lgbt-phobes for as long as I can remember.
I don’t want to intrude on your, particular, delusions, but the only reason I can think of for people to be that rabidly upset about it, is that they have a strong, rather large battle going on in their own minds.
Fear of disapproval by others, equally entrenched in the Patriarchy-delusion, has led them to erect multiple layers of rationale, lies and other delusions to guard against any challenge to their primary delusion of who they are in the “world” in which they live.
Their own self-image, the shakier it is, the bigger the fears that it covers up, with a gossamer web of rationale, lies, and further delusion, the more outraged they are…
Ah well…that fell out of my head today.🙄😁
Tell me what you think…
Peace Love Kindness Respect the more you give the more you get 😍 start with yourself 😉 because you deserve it ❤️
PS; you wanna know the actual truth?
That “gossamer web” phrase came out of me, quite spontaneously, in a reply yesterday. I liked it so much that I wrote an entire essay just to use it again 😂. Peace ♥️🙏🏼
If you’d like to change your voice from “male” to “female”, and don’t want to pay a “professional”🙄…
“Male to female voice change.” by WeeziSbaby