Well said, lindsayjin.
Indeed, quite a few cis-girls are born with infantile uteri, or no uteri, so…no possibility of pregnancy.
In addition, in the US, every year, 1500 to 2500 babies are born with genitalia that are so ambiguous that an “expert”, a surgeon, who is paid to perform surgery, is called in to make a decision on what to do. Invariably, the *surgeon* decides to operate.
Without checking chromosomes, or considering that the child in question may, later in life, realize that they are really male, a decision is made to “create” a vagina, instructing the parents to “raise the child as a girl”. At the appropriate ages, hormone therapy is provided. This happens every day. Right now, the very moment that you are reading this, it is happening, somewhere, probably in multiple locations.
Who is willing, when that child is an adult, to tell her, “You are not a woman!”
The “debate” over who is, or isn’t, a woman, is a ridiculous waste of time, and utter nonsense.
When a liscensed, board-certified psychologist, with expertise in gender-related issues, determines that a person is truly transgender, that is, or should be, the end of any questions on the matter.
Peace Love Kindness Respect the more you give the more you get 😍