Indeed, Mr Khaled, I am a transgender woman. I transitioned over 25 years ago.
I grew up in a home with a widowed mother and three older sisters. I’ve experienced everything that patriarchal-rape-culture throws at women, including rape. I suppose that’s one of the “benefits” of totally “passing”.🙄
When I responded to an essay by a feminist, a few weeks ago, I was attacked by a “TERF”, (Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist),or “GCF”,(Gender-critical-feminist), or whatever they’re calling themselves these days. It was a typical terf troll attack, limited logic, with the same two or three disingenuous arguments, plainly based on nothing more than hate, engendered by irrational, unlikely fears…. simply mindless discrimination, histrionics of the poorly educated. (see? I didn’t say, “ignorant”, in an attempt to not be inflammatory 😇)
Ahh, nevertheless, I continue to argue for gender equality, ignoring the protestations of, shall we say, “people of limited focus”.
I’m not a professional writer, and don’t aspire to be. I’m just a tourist on Medium, with a lot of wildly differing experience and a passing knowledge of the English language…
I loved your essay and look forward to seeing more from you.