Indeed. I think that the indoctrination that all humans receive into the Patriarchal Dominance Hierarchy has the most effect on this phenomenon.
People crave simplicity. Knowing “How It Is”, without any ambiguity, is comfortable, easy, when How It Is is simple.
In a Patriarchal society men have the option to be as self-centered as they please.
There are, however, a not insignificant number of men who, through education and/or life experience have come to see the unfair advantage they have and also have too much empathy to ignore it. They choose the easiest path, too. They choose the path that allows them to sleep at night, to give and receive, to truly share a life with those they love.
Sadly, many choose the path that seems the easiest, for a young man, and they never grow into emotional maturity.
They never know the Peace Love Kindness Respect the more you give the more you get 😍 start with yourself 😉
Hang in there sister…
PS: People are so starved for compassion, connection, love, that they sometimes reach out, only to find that when confronted with it, their fears intervene, and they run…back to the false comfort of their own, personal, “status quo”. It’s uncomfortable, they crave the intimacies of give and receive, they rush back to the uncomfortable, but familiar.
PPS: Last night, around midnight, I received a text from a new fb friend. A young woman, alone, with a history of emotional abuse in her childhood. She has been strong, is now in her residency at a major hospital, but she feels utterly alone.
We had a session, by text alone, wherein I, as the matriarchal party, hugged her, encouraged her to “let go”, “get it all out”, “(caress your cheek, tenderly, my precious girl)”… “(your tears fall into my heart and it swells with love for my sweet girl. You matter so much to me…)”…
Our virtual love and comfort lasted for over an hour, leaving both of us with…a renewed feeling of hope, of our worth, and our place in this world…the strength and confidence to go on…with love…
Sadly, it seems that very few men would understand such a thing, but love does, indeed, “make the world go round”.