I can relate to your story. Thank you for your veracity and courage.
In the 90s, in San Diego, I found myself at loose ends. No one would hire a newly out trans-woman.
With some advice from a “Madam” I knew, I began my career as an independent “call girl”.
I learned to absolutely dread every single appointment.
After 5 years, and a suicide attempt, I found myself in the depression and anxiety ward of the psych unit…
Added to some violent rapes and other abuse from earlier in my life, I became “totally and permanently disabled”, on SSDI for “major depressive disorder and major anxiety disorder”, with suicide attempts and panic attacks.
We do what we must to survive…for me, there was a price to pay…
Peace Love Kindness Respect the more you give the more you get 😍 start with yourself 😉 because you deserve it. You really do. I promise.♥️