I’m sorry that you took it so personally. I was simply sharing my own experience in that area.
I suppose that I could have tiptoed around it, “beating around the bush”, so, for that, I apologise.
I’ve been through a lot in my 61 years, and I do tend to be rather terse, at times…My sincere apologies.
I don’t have the authority or wish to tell anyone else what to do. I can only share my own experience.
Peace Love Kindness Respect the more you give the more you get 😍
PS: when another person has an experience that is different than mine, or a personal opinion that doesn’t exactly line up with mine, I remember that their experience/opinion is not a threat to mine. It’s simply *different*. In our present “outrage culture”, that seems to be a concept that escapes many. Other people’s opinions are not a threat to me,(unless they are a highly placed leader). The fact that my opinion differs from theirs does not require a petulant response from me, fuelled by my insecurities…that sort of interaction is what has our country divided, right now, with lots of different factions “at each other’s throats”. If I react with hurt feelings over every,(perceived), slight, I am part of the problem, not the solution.
Live and let live.😎