I’m sorry 😔. I hope you can rid yourself of those cultural biases…
I don’t mind other women having hairy legs.
Easy for me to say, I don’t have any. Oh, wait! I do! Can you see them? There are five or six on the front of both knees! (the pic was taking too long to load…)
I guess I’m cheating…I, and my daughter, take a testosterone blocker, and use estradiol patches…for hormone imbalances…
And I’m 61…I waxed them several times about 30 years ago…but I was on alcohol and opioids…🙄
No one would want to take testosterone blockers to keep from having body hair, though, testosterone is what makes all humans horny…including women…
Oh well, I guess we all have our little problems.
Sometimes I let a man bed me, just for, I don’t know, intimacy? I get plenty of interest from women, in this new age of coming out, and I think they are gorgeous and sexy, but a man is easy to ignore, afterward,usually. I fall in love with women too easily…
Oh well, let it grow, let it show! It’s been well known, for…ever, that hairy women are horny women!😜