I’m certainly no expert, but I did Google “female ejaculation” several months ago. From my research, there appears to be, in some, but not all, women, one or more skene glands along the urethra. They look like small “scraps” of glandular tissue, and are identical in composition to the prostate, but not necessarily in the same spot, and much, much smaller. There may be one, or two or three, all attached to the urethra.
So, if a woman discovers that, no matter what she tries, she just can’t ejaculate, it *may* be that she doesn’t have any skene glands. Some women don’t.
To my knowledge, there’s never been a large, comprehensive, study done to get a good estimate of the percentage of women who have, or don’t have, skene glands…
I could easily be wrong 😂, but, in my research of the subject, that’s what I found.
Thanks for a great essay!