I’m a trans-woman who transitioned in 1993.
I had no surgery, injected fillers or anything at all.
I changed my voice by learning counter-tenor.
I haven’t been in any arguments where anyone sited my easy “passing”, as an unfair advantage because I simply don’t argue about such things.
I moved back to my home state of NC in 1998. About three years ago I decided to “come out” as trans, in order to support my brothers and sisters…
People were often surprised, even shocked, but having already developed a complete picture, in their minds, of who I am…nothing really changed.
There’s one lesbian at my local AA group who looks daggers at me,(guess she’s what people call a “TERF”?), but she doesn’t seem to have found any support from the rest of the group.
When I told my story at a speaker meeting, in a crowd of about 50–60 people, only three got up and left when I got to the part about being born a boy.
Mind you, this is in Greenville NC, not a bastion of progressivism…🙄🤣
I think people worry too much about what other people think. You might say, “Humph, easy for you to say!”
Perhaps you’re right…
Keep your head up.💙🙏🏼
Peace Love Kindness Respect the more you give the more you get 😍 start with yourself 😉 because you deserve it ❤️🙏🏼