Oct 24, 2020

I’ll make a response because I think it has something to do with compensation now?

In any case, I was an adult, with an adult child,(who was born when I was 28, you do the math), when the first Harry Potter book was published.

I read them a few years after publication, to see what all the fuss was about. I wouldn’t put her in the same galaxy as Tolkien, but they were quite enjoyable and well done.

I was already 60?, 61?, when the current controversy began.

I wasn’t terribly shocked at her transphobia. Lots of very talented people were/are assholes.

We could make a list…O.J., Cosby, that basketball player/rapist who died in a helicopter crash, Hemingway, too many musicians to count, the list would simply grow longer and longer as we went back through history.

When I was young, it was not unexpected that people with great artistic abilities would be “eccentric”, and we all knew that it was simply a circumspect way of saying, “bug-nuts-crazy”.

You are, of course, right in saying that the current sjw thing is responsible for for the uproar, more so than the routine occurrence of an “eccentric” artist.

I am a transgender woman myself, who transitioned in 1993.

I was slightly annoyed by her remarks, but my “outrage” days are long past.

Thanks for a good essay 😊.

— weezi — ❤️🙏🏼


Written by WeeziSbaby

Bye y'all. it's been real. I have a new Chromebook, but I prefer to write these little "aside" pieces on my phone, curled up in my comfy chair. always love; w

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