1 min readApr 5, 2021


I understand your ire. I really do. If it were any other subject I might unfollow you, but I agree, with a modification.

Rather than following my fear/anger to it’s conclusion of “revenge”,(which is a trumpanzee line of 'reasoning’), I suggest acting for, supporting, a repeal of the second amendment for compassionate reasons.

The compassionate reason is simple. Guns overwhelmingly hurt innocent people more than anyone else. Overwhelmingly. It’s not even close.

For that reason alone they should be illegal.

Make all firearms that don’t have a legitimate hunting value illegal.

Privately owned rifles and shotguns will be registered and held by the police.

When a registered hunter comes for his firearm, the officer will check that the gun owner has a legitimate, in-season hunting license.

The hunter will have to show the officer where, on a map, he will be hunting.

The hunter, while in possession of his firearm, will be instructed to only travel between the armory and the hunting site. If he is found “out of bounds”, he will be ticketed and possibly arrested, and his firearm will be confiscated and destroyed. He will never be allowed to own a firearm again.

Oh! Wait! A lot of countries have been doing that for quite some time!

The US is an anachronism when it comes to guns…

It’s shameful.





Written by WeeziSbaby

Bye y'all. it's been real. I have a new Chromebook, but I prefer to write these little "aside" pieces on my phone, curled up in my comfy chair. always love; w

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