I really don’t remember any of my emotional responses changing, I just felt free to express what I had always felt. I didn’t have to repress the “un-manly” feelings that I had always had.
Before beginning transition, when I was in a group of men who were being rude, crude and ugly, the best that I could do was to keep my veneer of calm, unconcern uncracked.
The differences that I did notice were mostly physical.
As already stated, I didn’t have new emotional reactions. The “feminine” feelings were a little stronger, but I really don’t know if that was because the feelings themselves were, indeed, stronger, or I was simply free to not repress them.
All that I know for sure is that I felt free, happy, comfortable in my own skin for the first time in my life.
In conclusion, my emotional responses didn’t change at all. I was simply no longer compelled to repress them. My body began, sooo agonizingly slowly, to change into the form that felt right.