I prefer to look at it from a practical view, ie; we need government programs to improve the quality of life for everyone, especially the “least of us”. How to pay for that is the question. The wealthiest people are the obvious place to get the the money. Paying more may irritate them a bit, but it won’t lower their standard of living, while it will be of immense, life altering help to those who have little.
To me it’s just practical budgeting. To me it’s dead simple. When anyone tries to make it complicated, it’s obvious that they are rationalizing, equivocating, being greedy.
It’s like the kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar, “But, but, I’m really hungry! I need it! It’s not fair! It’s mine and I’m keeping it!”
The selfish child is not considering the needs of others. Great wealth and the power that comes with it may be impressive to many. I see selfish, frightened, children.